
广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院(GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology at Guangzhou College of Technology and Business)是广州工商学院与美国东北州立大学通过优势资源整合,合作共建的非独立法人中外合作办学机构,于2022年4月正式获得国家教育部批复设立,许可证编号MOE44USA02DNR20222301N。联合科技学院通过合作办学引进美国高校优质的人才培养体系及教育资源,采用“4+0”双学位模式,注重交叉融合创新,不出国门享受留学体验。目前开设数据科学与大数据技术、软件工程、通信工程三个专业,围绕新工科领域致力于培养具有家国情怀、全球视野、能够全球择业的国际化优秀人才,并为渴望继续深造的学生进入全球优秀大学攻读硕士、博士学位提供畅通渠道。

GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology is a Chinese-foreign cooperative institute approved by Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China and jointly organized by Guangzhou College of Technology and Business and Northeastern State University with license number of MOE44USA02DNR20222301N.At present, it offers three four-year undergraduate programs in Data Science and Big Data Technology, Software Engineering and Communication Engineering, adopting the training mode of "4+0", "duel enrollments", "duel degrees" and "dual offers for bachelor’s and master's degree". It focuses on interdisciplinary integration and innovation and provides international, high-quality and competitive undergraduate education. Students can enjoy the experience of studying abroad without going abroad.