

3月27日下午,由美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任Mr. Xuan Li主讲的“美国公立大学硕士留学深度分享(与世界相连·与未来相望)”国际视野讲座在办公楼322报告厅顺利举办,此次活动对拓展学生视野、丰富学生认知发挥积极作用,鼓励学生深耕学业,主动规划未来。

3月27日下午,联合科技学院语言中心召开2022-2023学年第二学期语言教学研讨会,会议邀请到联合科技学院副院长侯凤雄、美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任Mr. Xuan Li出席讨论。会议就语言课程安排、学生语言考试情况、雅思教学等方面进行了深入研讨,进一步提高了语言中心教师的教学能力,优化语言课程的教学设计。

3月28日上午,联合科技学院教学工作部组织召开国际化特色专业课程建设与教学研讨会议。参会老师向美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任Mr. Xuan Li、美国东北州立大学中国办公室副主任苏艳霞介绍了学院专业课程设置情况及当前的教学困境。会上,美国东北州立大学代表团对学院教学工作给予了专业性的指导,提出了建设性的意见,双方群策群力,共同为提升学院教学质量贡献力量。

3月28日上午,联合科技学院副院长侯凤雄、学生工作部全体老师邀请美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任Mr. Xuan Li、美国东北州立大学中国办公室副主任苏艳霞一同走访学生公寓。中美两校老师了解在校学生的学习、生活情况,听学生之所思所想,解学生之所盼所难。

On March 27th and 28th, a delegation from Northeastern State University visited the GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology at Guangzhou College of Technology and Business. During the visit, the two sides had a fruitful exchange of ideas on various topics, including college management, teaching and research, student affairs, and collaborative projects. This exchange has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality development of Sino-foreign cooperative education programs.
On the first day of the visit, the Operation Management Committee Meeting of GCTB-NSU was successfully held, where the committee members discussed the management of foreign teachers, curriculum arrangement, and exchange activities. Additionally, a valuable academic lecture was delivered by Mr. Xuan Li, Director of the Asian Office of International Programs at Northeastern State University, on the topic of "In-depth Sharing of Master's Study in American Public Universities (Connecting with the World and Looking into the Future)." The Language Center also hosted a seminar where the participants discussed the overall teaching arrangement and actively engaged in discussions on how to improve English language instruction. The goal was to help students increase their English proficiency in a more interesting and effective way.
On the second day, the Academic Office of GCTB-NSU hosted a Teaching Seminar on International Specialty Curriculum Construction, which provided an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and perspectives on course construction and teaching management of international curricula. Furthermore, the NSU delegates visited the students' dormitories to gain a better understanding of the living conditions of the students.
广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院是由广州工商学院与美国东北州立大学合作共建的中外合作办学机构,开设数据科学与大数据技术、软件工程、通信工程三个本科专业,聚焦新工科领域,整合国内外优质资源,采取4+0办学模式,实现不出国留学,获双方学校的文凭证书。学院将积极推动中美两国高等教育之间的交流与合作,努力成为两国教育与文化沟通的纽带,进一步实现“从中国走向世界 把世界带到中国”的国际化教育新发展!