北京时间2023年1月12日,广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院2023-2024学年联合行政管理委员会首次会议在花都校区图书馆412会议室圆满落幕。广州工商学院校长王日华,美国东北州立大学校长、联合科技学院联合管理委员会副主任Dr. Rodney Hanley等联合科技学院联合管理委员会委员出席会议。

会上,美国东北州立大学校长、联合科技学院联合管理委员会副主任Dr. Rodney Hanley在致辞中对于联合科技学院教职工在过去一学期的辛勤工作表示真诚的感谢。Dr. Rodney Hanley强调,两校之间的合作关系虽受到地理的限制,但共同致力于卓越,为学生提供变革性的教育体验的目标不会受到阻碍。未来美方也会持续与中方一道,搭建连接不同文化、思想和学术追求的桥梁,加强高等教育领域的合作与交流。
在交流环节中,讨论并表决通过了美国东北州立大学校长Dr. Rodney Hanley,常务副校长、教务长Dr. Carla Swearingen,学术事务临时助理副校长Dr. Iain Anderson替补担任联合管理委员会新委员。
同时,由于原学术委员会委员Dr. Roger Collier退休,会议经过现场讨论与表决,决定学术委员会的委员空缺由Dr. Iain Anderson替补。

On January 12, the first meeting of the Joint Management Committee for the 2023-2024 academic year of the GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology was successfully held.
Dr. Rodney Hanley, Presidentof NSU and Deputy Director of the Joint Management Committee, delivered a speech.Heexpressed his sincere gratitude to the faculty and staff ofGCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technologyfor their hard work in the past semester.Dr. Rodney Hanley emphasized that the U.S. side will continue to work together with the Chinese side to build bridges connecting different cultures, ideas and academic pursuits, and to strengthen the cooperation and exchanges in the field of higher education.
Prof. Hou Feng-Hsiunggave a report on the work of the college in the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. He introduced the work to the members of the Joint Management Committee in terms of faculty development, teaching management, student work, and exchanges between the two schools, and made plans for the next stage of work.
The meeting also discussed and voted on the replacement list of Joint Management Committee members and the replacement list of Academic Committee members.
The meeting also discussed important matters at the meeting, such as mutual visits between the two schools and U.S. teachers coming to China to teach.
广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院是由广州工商学院与美国东北州立大学合作共建的中外合作办学机构,开设数据科学与大数据技术、软件工程、通信工程三个本科专业,聚焦新工科领域,整合国内外优质资源,采取4+0办学模式,实现不出国留学,获双方学校的文凭证书。学院将积极推动中美两国高等教育之间的交流与合作,努力成为两国教育与文化沟通的纽带,进一步实现“从中国走向世界 把世界带到中国”的国际化教育新发展!