为落实推进中外合作办学项目高质量发展,6月25日,美国东北州立大学终身教授Roger Collier和美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任、广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院联合管理委员会委员Xuan Li不远万里来访联合科技学院。我院副院长侯凤雄、外联合作部主任李蕾蕾、学生工作部主任苏上荣热情接待了来宾,并于当日组织举行国际视野讲座与学生座谈会,切实了解联科学子的学习生活需求,为更好地发挥中外合作办学人才培养优势奠定基础。
Part1 国际视野讲座
6月25日上午,美国东北州立大学终身教授Roger Collier主讲的“‘一站式’育人”国际视野讲座暨学生见面会在办公楼322报告厅顺利举行。讲座伊始,Roger Collier博士鼓励学生们拓宽国际视野,激发自己成长的内在驱力和行动力,提升个人语言表达、沟通协作、自觉与自信等全球胜任力核心素养。
随后,美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任Mr. Xuan Li向同学们介绍了美国的校园文化以及橄榄球、网球等丰富的课余活动,并在互动环节将从异国他乡带来的图书、润唇膏、钥匙扣等小礼物赠送给学生们,增进了师生情谊。
Part2 学生座谈会
6月25日下午,联合科技学院2022-2023学年学生座谈会在双创一楼招生大厅举行,此次座谈会邀请了美国东北州立大学教授Roger Collier、 国际项目亚洲办公室主任Mr. Xuan Li、副院长侯凤雄、外联合作部主任李蕾蕾、学生工作部主任苏上荣与10名学生代表出席讨论。会中,Xuan Li主任就学生们所关心的美国东北州立大学本科留学申请注意事项、硕士升学条件、校园文化生活等问题进行了沟通和解答,学生们纷纷表示获益匪浅。
To facilitate the implementation and advancement of the high-quality development of the Sino-foreign cooperative education project at the GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology, significant efforts were made on June 25th to foster exchange. Roger Collier, a tenured professor from Northeastern State University, USA, and Mr. Xuan Li, the Director of the Asia Office of International Programs at Northeastern State University, and a member of the Joint Management Committee of Northeast State Joint College of Science and Technology at Guangzhou Business and Industry University, made a long journey to China. Upon their arrival, they were warmly welcomed by Vice President Hou Fengxiong, Director Li Renlei of the Department of External Relations and Cooperation, and Director Su Shangrong of the Department of Student Affairs. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of students' academic and personal needs and to lay the groundwork for maximizing the advantages of talent development in Sino-foreign cooperation projects, lectures and student symposia with an international perspective were organized on the same day.