为配合做好2023年联合科技学院招生工作,6月24日,美国东北州立大学国际项目办公室主任、广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院联合管理委员会委员、学术委员会委员Dr. Roger Collier和美国东北州立大学国际项目亚洲办公室主任、广州工商学院东北州立联合科技学院联合管理委员会委员Mr. Xuan Li不远万里赴华莅临我校,广州工商学院校长王日华亲切接待,联合科技学院联合管理委员会委员陪同接访。双方于花都校区411贵宾室开展座谈,就中外合作办学工作、招生事宜进行深入交流。
会议伊始,王日华校长对两位来访的嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎。恰逢端午假期,王日华校长随之亲切地向美国朋友Dr.Roger Collier介绍这一中国传统节日的文化与习俗,并对全体与会成员送上了节日祝福。

最后,双方讨论了两校互设常驻办公室相关事宜。王日华校长表示联合科技学院新教学办公大楼即将落成,将会为美方领导和教职工设置办公室,邀请美方为新大楼的装修设计提供建议。Mr.Xuan Li也明确美方将为我校教师安排常驻办公室,欢迎中方教师赴美交流。两校互设常驻办公室有助于为两校开展长期性、实质性的合作提供保障。

会后,王日华校长带领Dr.Roger Collier一行参观花都校区图书馆,并与在馆内自习的学生进行交流,了解我校学生的学习生活。

On June 24, Dr. Roger Collier, former Acting Director of the Office of International Programs at Northeastern State University, and Mr. Xuan Li, Director of the Asian Office of International Programs at Northeastern State University, paid a visit to GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology at Guangzhou College of Technology and Business. The guests were warmly welcomed by Prof. Wang Rihua, President of Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, and Dean of GCTB-NSU, together with other members of Joint Management Committee Meeting of GCTB-NSU at Huadu Campus. The meeting encompassed fruitful discussions on various aspects, including the formation of scientific research teams, academic exchanges, mutual visits between faculty and students, further education projects, and enrollment initiatives. NSU proposed enhancing interaction between teaching teams from both sides and collaborating on building joint scientific research teams based on shared research interests and fields. Both parties expressed their full commitment to cooperation and assured ample support in the development of GCTB-NSU. They also reached an agreement on several important matters, such as leaders' mutual visits this year, organizing educational conferences, facilitating student internships and exchanges with visiting scholars in the United States, and establishing permanent offices at each other's university. Concluding the meeting, President Wang Rihua, on behalf of GCTB, presented gifts to the guests, expressing heartfelt gratitude for their support in enrollment efforts. Following the meeting, President Wang Rihua accompanied Dr. Roger Collier on a tour of the library and engaged in discussions with students.