为了帮助2024级新生提升英语听说能力,并为他们即将开始的大学英语课程做好准备,我院特设了免费的英语学习课程“Speak Up: English Adventure”。本课程由我院经验丰富的中外英语教学团队授课,老师们将为同学们提供专业的英语学习指导。希望同学们踊跃参与,克服困难,积极发言,并注意课程时间。课程具体安排将会在2024级学生群中公布,课程还将提供回放。
“Speak Up: English Adventure”课程安排表
日期 Date |
时间 Time |
教师 Lecturer |
主题 Topics |
跟课老师 Teacher |
8月8日(周四) August 8th(Thursday) |
19:30 |
Sean Bain |
British Culture |
赵珈艺 |
8月12日(周一) August 12rd(Monday) |
19:30 |
Sean Bain |
British Foods |
赵珈艺 |
8月14日(周三) August 14th(Wednesday) |
19:30 |
Taimoor Zahid |
Intro to GCTB-NSU |
沈立柱 |
8月16日(周五) August 16th(Friday) |
19:30 |
Nanyangwe Namwinga Chilombo |
College Life |
沈立柱 |
8月19日(周一) August 19th(Monday) |
19:30 |
董金杭 |
Self-Introduction |
温小林 |
8月21日(周三) August 21st(Thursday) |
19:30 |
Nanyangwe Namwinga Chilombo |
Festivals |
温小林 |
8月23日(周五) August 23rd(Friday) |
19:30 |
李暄(NSU) |
Intro to NSU |
朱海霞 |
8月26日(周一) August 26th(Monday) |
19:30 |
Taimoor Zahid |
Sports |
朱海霞 |
8月27日(周三) August 27th(Wednesday) |
19:30 |
郭子婷 |
Travel |
董金杭 |
8月30日(周五) August 30th(Friday) |
19:30 |
杨佩琳 |
Animal |
郭子婷 |
Sean Bain
NSU instructor. Graduated from Edinburgh Napier University and Glasgow School of Art with a first-class honours degree. Completed an MSc in Computer Science at the University of York.
Taimoor Zahid
Ph.D. in Computer Applied Technology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Postdoctoral fellow at Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium, and Shenzhen University. Served as the Principal Investigator (PI) of a research project granted by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
Nanyangwe Namwinga Chilombo
中国吉林大学博士,研究领域包括:技术创新、领导力和组织行为学。Ph.D. from Jilin University, China, research areas include: technological innovation, leadership and organizational behavior.
澳大利亚墨尔本大学应用语言学硕士,研究方向为社会语言学、话语分析。Master of Applied Linguistics at the University of Melbourne, Australia, with research interests in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis.
英国约克大学英语语言文学专业硕士,研究方向为心理语言学、语言观及语言衍化。Master's degree in English Language and Literature, at University of York, UK, with research interests in psycholinguistics, the view of language and languages derivation.
韩国梨花女子大学硕士,研究方向为对外英语教育、汉语言文学教育、商务英语教育、国际贸易等方向。Master's degree at Ewha Womans University, with research interests in Teaching English as a foreign language, Chinese language and literature education, business English education, and international trade.