为了给学生提供一个英语交流的环境,培养他们的阅读习惯,联合科技学院语言中心于2023年11月30日星期四下午举办了本学期的第二次英语角活动。本次活动以“Read books, Meet friends, Share & Discuss”为主题,由语言中心的陈惠仪和朱海霞老师主持,吸引了众多学生的积极参与。

紧接着是好书分享环节,陈老师和朱老师向同学们分享了他们最近阅读的书籍。陈老师推荐了Matt Ridley的作品《The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves》,朱老师则分享了余华的作品《To Live》和Nicholas Sparks的作品《The Notebook》,并向大家朗读了最喜爱的段落和句子,分享了读书感悟。同学们也积极参与,分享和朗读了自己喜爱的书籍。这个环节不仅让我们相互了解了更多好书的推荐,也让我们深入感受到书中独特的魅力。

The Language Center of GCTB-NSU Joint Institute of Technology successfully organized the second English Corner activity of the semester on the afternoon of Thursday, November 30th, 2023. The theme for this event was “Read books, Meet friends, Share & Discuss,” which attracted enthusiastic participation from students. This activity provided students with a profound understanding of the wonders of reading and highlighted the significance of reading. Each participant expressed their determination to cultivate good reading habits and continuously expand their knowledge. We hold firm in our aspiration that all students will persist in their reading endeavors, broaden their horizons, cultivate good reading habits, and ultimately become avid seekers of knowledge and advocates for books.